I am in the middle of making whipped body butter and decided I better work on my cellulite.. uggghh the dreaded ugly word. C-E-L-L-U-L-I-T-E!!!! blah.. luckily I will be using my daughter in law Vivi as my human guinea pig... I hope she likes me after this...*crosses fingers*..{pointing to photo that is not me or my daughter in law so the poor sap who was not too bright to post this on the internet highway, I'm sorry}http://www.oil-testimonials.com/essential-oils/5486/my-recipes-for-cellulite-and-varicose-veins
I will be posting before + after photos, the guides/instructions/google I have read state it takes up to 6 weeks for improvement why oh why can I not just have a quick fix?? With everything else it takes time and patience and WORK.. so get your butt outside go EKERCISE..yes EKERcise..eat raw healthy foods and drink your H20!! Do not slack on the water intake, I use the waterlogger app on my phone..
Until next time, Ciao
Cleverly Clean ~ Sophia