Monday, October 21, 2013

"It will all come out in the wash."..Homemade Laundry Fabric Softener

Today is Monday. I hate Mondays period. In fact I refuse to even attempt to be happy. So what do I do on Mondays? Nothing. I'm kidding. I welcome each and every day as if it's my last!! 

Onto laundry yet again, it is an endless cycle and I sure wish my checkbook would refill just as quickly as the laundry basket does.. however the cute outfit I wanted to wear today is in the laundry.

I'm not a huge fan of fabric softener and pretty much avoid using it, but some days I just want to smell like a bouquet of flowers when I put my clothes on. I guess I could use perfume which is another subject on its own.. another time. 

This recipe is simple and basic. Thank you to I used what I had in my laundry room. I used the NOW orange essential oil and wanted to add cinnamon and clove but then realized I didn't want to walk around smelling like I had a car  air freshener hanging around my neck. Everyday Roots recipe uses 2 cups of epsom salt, 1/2 cup of baking soda and 30-60 drops of essential oils. Tada!!  You have to read their blog explaining how baking soda brightens the clothes and neutralizes the acid in stains. Yes!! No more dingy laundry!!

As Brian Wallace says: 

"There's no way to really ration dirty laundry. It's there every week, and it has to be done. It's not like you can stockpile your laundry and wait for prices to come down."
Happy Cleverly Cleaning!!! ~Sophia