Saturday, June 8, 2013

I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas?

What a way to start the weekend with no body lotion or a body scrub! What's a girl to do?? Why make some of course! Let's get started...

I've used different recipes over the years and the one thing that comes to mind is K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Stupid. This recipe seemed easy to make and the batch is small enough that if I didn't like it I wouldn't feel horribly about not using it. I tweaked this recipe and added lanolin. You ask why lanolin and isn't lanolin basically sheep sweat? I've seen worse in commercial products so I'm cool with it.

My skin has not seen the light of day in 3 years living in Utah and this Texas weather is wrecking havoc to my once, glittery porcelain skin, I'm kidding I was just basically pale for a Latina. I normally used body butters living in Utah but I needed something that was light on my skin with the exception I needed something that would really moisturize so I thought why not?  Ah the sheep sweat freaking ya out?? If that freaks you out you should read the chemicals used in your lotion I promise sheep sweat will be a welcoming addition, I mean come on I know your momma did that whole licks her hand to smooth down your cowlicks!! Admit it!!

In this recipe I used the LouAna Coconut oil because this is what I had left, when I make products for customers I only use organic products to ensure one they are getting what they are paying for and since its for me I want to experiment the different products out here and well basically I'm my own human guinea pig. I did a quick search about the type of coconut oil to purchase and I recommend unrefined coconut oil. I buy most of my products online through amazon unless I can get it directly from a company with better shipping rates. Darn you fuel charges!! *raises fist* also I substituted my almond oil with sunflower oil. Again my preference for myself not my customers.

I did not add mineral water because I was NOT being lazy I was just being energy conservative, fine I'm lazy I didn't want to open a bottle. *huge smirk*.

In this recipe it suggested lavender + ylang ylang essential oil. I used doTerra's Citrus Bliss E.O., I wanted to smell like an orange. 

Now onto some yummy coffee + sugar body scrub... Keeping it Cleverly Simple!!


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